A triad color scheme could include green, violet, and orange, so care must be taken with the saturation of the colors you choose. Triad Color Scheme: This is a scheme with three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.Analogous schemes work well with accent walls and other large-scale accents because the colors are naturally harmonious together.
This scheme benefits from having one dominant color with the two remaining colors as accents. A scheme of blue-green, green, and green-yellow is an example of an analogous color scheme. An analogous scheme can be very harmonious and relaxing. Analogous Color Scheme: This is a scheme using three colors that are adjacent to each other.This scheme will naturally include a warm and a cool color, as they're on opposite sides of the wheel. This color scheme can be vibrant with high contrast if colors are used in the same saturation. Complementary Color Scheme: This is a color scheme with two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.Neutral colors are an elegant choice for monochromatic color schemes.
By using variations of lightness and saturation, you can easily create a stylish scheme that looks professionally designed.